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Learn to manage your money.

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Hey kids, you know money doesn’t grow on trees, right? It’s not magic how it appears in your parents’ wallet either. Well, that’s a conversation we can have another day.

But if you want your allowance to work for you and save up for that new smartphone case , or the latest edition manga comic or even big items like that cool sneakers, you must learn how to manage your money. It’s not too early to start learning about how money works because understanding this can help you get ahead of the game when it comes to managing your budget or someday even your class budget. It’s not hard, in fact it can be fun. 

So How Can You Do It?

Simple efforts like spending less money on weekdays so you have more on the weekends or earning extra by doing some chores around the house are just some creative ways you can make money work for you. Even if you just set aside a few dollars every month, it will add up. By making smarter money decisions, you can be more confident in managing one part of your life. 

As a Shall Unite user, the Treasure feature can and will guide you with tools necessary to manage your money. You can track your spending; check how much you’ve saved or set aside what you plan to share with another user. Or just enjoy the simple satisfaction of knowing you’re saving up for something special down the road. It’s like a piggy bank for the digital age.

It takes some effort, willpower and smart decisions but we promise you it gets easier. Start small and finish big!