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Technology that makes sense.

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What if we could use technology in ways that make us more connected as a family, rather than less? For most of us, technology is a part of our everyday lives. It’s how we connect with family, friends, and colleagues. It’s how we get our news, find a new restaurant to try, and even how we work out.

However, when it comes to our children, it can be hard to know how much technology is okay. How do we figure out how much time should they be spending on phones or computers? We must ask ourselves how do we use screen time in ways that make sense for all of us.

How about our children’s safety online? We must take every opportunity for open dialogues about important issues such as bullying or cyberbullying.

All that can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. The key is balance and boundaries. We need to set limits and activate parental controls. Shall Unite is a social platform for children meant to engage, educate and empower. Let us show you how.