More about behaviour rules

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More about behaviour rules

Our children need to be made aware of netiquette dos and don’ts when navigating the online world. Some things to share, according to Common Sense Media


  • Communicate with care.

Check our tone and make sure our language is not offensive across different racial, cultural and religious communities.


  • Keep private things, private.

Don’t ever share personal information online, either ours or others, like phone numbers and/or addresses


  • Respect others.

Agree to disagree if you must, but always respectfully.


  • Don’t lie, steal or cheat.

It’s so tempting to plagiarize, post fake news or spread lies for attention. Someone somewhere is bound to find out.


  • Think before you post, text and share.

The internet doesn’t forget, so always be clearheaded before you hit send.


Above all, BE KIND, actions like cyberbullying are damaging and dangerous.


So parents, have that important conversation with your children and continue to reinforce those boundaries. As adults, we too are not immune to online gaffes, so it’s easy for your children to make the same missteps. Safer online behaviour benefits everybody.

Source- Common Sense Media