Our Founders and Team Leaders

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Founder & Director

Alau, a father of two, is an entrepreneur, an adventurer, and a respected leader in his industry field. He has been with Shall Unite from day one and strongly supports our project.

His motto? Let’s protect our children with a twist of fun.



Founder & Platform engineer and administrator

Marco, a proud father of a son and a loving stepfather to a daughter and a son is a passionate IT person deeply involved in the education system.

His motto? Bring safe communication solutions to children with a touch of fun.



Founder & Director

Hussain, a father of five with a successful story in the holiday property business, is the father of Shall Unite.
His motto? Make the world a better and safer place for children.



Founder & Managing Director

Dominique is a dog lover and an entrepreneur with a background in aeronautics and IT.

His motto? Smartly prepare children for the inevitable digital world.



Founder & Head of Developments

Ammu, a father of two, is a passionate leader with a strong IT background and a father nurturing solutions for children’s safe futures.

His motto? Unite children to encourage fairness.

Team Leaders

Shiya Corporate Picture


Information System Security Consultant

Shiyaz is a passionate certified cyber security expert with a vast experience in the Fintech and banking systems.

His motto? A fair System Security must equally protect customers and the company.

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Community Manager & Children’s behavior specialist

Nor is a passionate and experienced mother of three with a broad knowledge of children’s behavior.

Her motto? Create circumstances and guidelines to ensure children’s development harmoniously leads them to live their best lives.



Regional Manager, Business Development and Operation

Kevin is an enthusiastic professional with a broad experience in sales, customer service, and support training.

His motto? Build a happy team with partners, and you get great results!



Leading Graphic Designer

Boyd is a “blank space managing lover”. Give him a blank space, and he will fill it with creative ideas.

His motto? Make designs that create positive feelings.

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Enrique, an experienced manager from the retail industry,  knows the importance of excellent customer service.

His motto? Make children and parents equally happy.



Chief Financial Officer

Stanley is an experienced CFO and an author of management books.

His motto? Finance doesn’t make sense if it’s disconnected from human behavior. So let’s bond finance and management with human development!



Back-end Development

Atom is the kind of person who silently works behind the scene making the show possible. Together with Ammu, he builds the foundations of our platform security and management.