The Shall Unite History

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It all started with a dream.

First, thank you for reaching this page and for your interest in Shall Unite.
We love to share with you our story and what makes the essence of our vision for Parents and Children.

Hussain, a father of five and visionary, dreamed that his children could surf the web in a secure environment. So he shared his idea with friends and searched the internet for such a solution. Yes, there were bits and pieces here and there, but there was no steady one-stop solution secure and easy to use by parents and children.


With three friends, Alau, Marco, and Ammu, he brainstormed the idea of creating something to fill the gap and match his vision.

Marco and Ammu started writing lines of code on a table corner and created a pre-project mockup to check that idea’s validity.


The bunch of friends soon realized that it would not work unless one led the project, found new ideas, and brought a more global vision. That is when Dominique came into the picture. The group of the five Shall Unite founders was now complete.


Dominique and Hussain have known each other for many years, worked together, and eventually became friends. Dominique has been leading international companies for years and was already involved in the secure IT business. After looking at the mockup, he was extremely excited about the project and saw the potential and how we could bring parents and children a new world of solutions in one application.


In a frantic search to check the idea, Dominique talked with friends and met specialists in the education business, cyber security, entertainment, parents, children, and teachers. He soon concluded that Shall Unite should be a platform offering parents and children all they always wanted in one easy-to-use application.


The Shall Unite project was born, and we hope you will like it.


We don’t pretend to be perfect. It’s just a start, and many features and partnerships will be added as we progress. Your ideas and suggestions are welcome to make our shared dream even more friendly and helpful. Please be part of our family and dialog with us here Feedback – Shall Unite
to pursue and share our vision.

You may say I’m a dreamer But I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us And the world will be as one.

John Lennon