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Find that balance.

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We know you’re busy. We know you’re stressed. We know you have a lot on your plate. But if we’ve learned anything from our years in education, the most important thing for you to remember is this:

You need school life balance. 

That’s right-it’s not all about the grades and extra-curricular activities (although those are important). Sure, take some time to study so when it comes time for exams or interviews or whatever other important things you have coming up, you’ll be prepared and confident.

But don’t forget to relax too—and make sure you’re doing what you love.  Learn how to prioritise goals, set aside time for your passions-and even take some time for yourself.  What are your dreams and goals? Make time for them and keep chasing them. If something isn’t working for you, try something else.

We also want you to take care of your physical health along with your mental health. This means getting enough sleep, eating well-and taking care of yourself when things get tough!

Practise mindfulness

Are you learning mindfulness in school? You’re very lucky if you are. A New York Times article says practising mindfulness helps with anxiety, lets you deal with difficult situations in a more cool and calm manner, and it makes you happier. And it’s science too. One part of our brain, the prefrontal cortex, controls a lot of skillsets that mindfulness promotes. 

If you’re not yet familiar with mindfulness, ask your parents, teachers or research it yourself. You’re taking this step to take care of your mental health. 

One way to feel centred and grounded is to write in a diary.  Writing forces you to slow down and press pause in your busy day so you can reflect and weigh in on whatever happened that day. Doesn’t everything feel and look clearer if you just take some time to stop and think? Writing it all down is extra special so you will remember every little detail when you look back in your diary one day. Let Shall Unite help you with our unique Diary feature so you can write anytime, anywhere. 

Finally, make time for your family and friends—they’re your most important people. You’ll need their support when times get tough.