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Start a diary.

Stroke 1

Writing can be hard because it can be difficult to put your feelings into words. But writing is a powerful tool, it helps you find your voice and express yourself, work through your feelings so you can move past your experience. It helps you make sense of life events, the good or the not so great.

A diary is a space for private thoughts and feelings. It’s where you can write down anything: your secret desire to join the talent competition at school, how you really dislike your friend’s new haircut or how much it still hurts on the third anniversary of the loss of someone you love. Write freely without fear or judgment from others.

How do you start?

The following are just a few simple guidelines from a parenting website. But go ahead if you just want to start writing anywhere. That works too.

-Paper or digital?

Writing can improve your handwriting. It’s relaxing and there are many nice notebooks you can choose as your diary. Digital is easier to store, more private and storage is quite limitless so you can write a lot here.

-Choose a place

Find a quiet and private place where you can be alone with your thoughts without too much distraction.

-Establish a daily routine

At the end of the day, before bedtime is normally the best time to reflect on your day, or just anytime when the mood strikes you.

-Start small

Don’t know what to write yet? You can just write about the best, worst or the funniest part of that day. You can even stick in photos or special notes. Be creative one day or basic another day. Your space, your call.


Many people love writing in diaries. Did you know that Lady Gaga keeps a diary of her many memories when she’s on her tours? Or that Emma Watson aka Hermione Granger of Harry Potter has not just one, but multiple journals for her different interests.  And yes, one of them being for acting. 

Whether you are writing on paper or digitally, your most personal feelings are in there and you don’t want to share your diary, and that’s totally fine.

Shall Unite’s Diary feature makes sure that your diary remains completely private. When you create an account with us, we ask for a password that only you know. A calendar in the Diary feature keeps track of your writing. Check back on any entries from any day to see what worked and what didn’t. You’ll be amazed to see how much you’ve grown and how far you’ve come.

References- Parenting for brain website