The Shall Unite Community Standards

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THE SHALL UNITE COMMUNITY STANDARDS (“Community Standards”) Presentation and Intentions of Shall Unite

Shall Unite is a central platform facilitating communication, networking, education, and entertainment for children and providing a secure one-stop solution where children, parents, and teachers can exchange ideas and content with other children, parents, and teachers. At Shall Unite, We love building partnerships with parents, children, schools, and teachers. Shall Unite disregards skin color, origin, gender, and religion, and everyone is invited.

At Shall Unite, We differ from other social networks in that We have dedicated Our platform entirely to teachers, parents, and their children. Our efforts and actions make Shall Unite a unique place for them to forge partnerships and interact. Our ethics lie at the heart of what We provide and are crucial to providing a respectful environment within which We can fulfill an educative mission with an open mind and a slice of fun.

Our Ethics Committee filters the offers in Our Marketplace. We also do strict content moderation, including image, video, and text scans (using AI and manual review), to ensure that children will not see inappropriate content.

The fair use of digital tools starts with education on communicating with others respectfully. That begins with a set of rules and good habits. At Shall Unite, We provide tools for children and parents to positively enter the digital communication era and interact with others politely.

We are socially accountable to Ourselves, our Users, and the public. To practice social responsibility successfully, We ensure that We stay alert to our impacts on all aspects of society.

We believe that Shall Unite is crucial in promoting safe and positive human relationships and enhancing education for all.

Our Community Standards are rules that apply to everyone to protect Our Members’ safety, privacy, and dignity. Our policies are based on feedback from Our community and experts’ advice in areas such as technology, public safety, and human rights.

Our Community Standards guide what is and is not allowed on Shall Unite. We ask Our Members to follow Our guidelines to maintain a respectful and peaceful relationship with other Shall Unite Members.

Our Community Standards apply to everyone and to all types of content on our Website and/or our Services. They are designed to be comprehensive – for example, content that might not be considered hateful may still be removed for violating a different policy. We recognize that words mean different things or affect people differently depending on their local community, language, or

background. We work hard to account for these nuances while also applying Our policies consistently and fairly to people and their expression. In the case of specific policies, We require more information and or context to enforce in line with Our Community Standards.

Freedom of speech is essential to us. It means the right to express oneself about any subject.

We strive to do Our best to make Shall Unite a friendly place to enhance children’s relationships worldwide. However, it may be possible that some of Our Users express disagreements, judgments, and opinions, which may harm other Users’ sensibility.

Users can report any potentially violating content on our Website and/or our Services. We also give parents control over their own experiences and their children’s experience by blocking, unfollowing, or hiding people and posts.

Violating Our Community Standards result in consequences that may vary depending on the severity of the violation and the Users’ personal history on the Service.

For instance, We may warn someone for a first violation, but if they continue to violate Our policies, We may restrict their ability to post on Shall Unite or disable their profile. We also may notify law enforcement when We believe there is a genuine risk of physical harm or a direct threat to public safety.

We use technology to remove such content. However, We know it is not perfect. Our system tries to analyze the context and intentions behind the publications and learn from previous similar contents. If the contents, even non-serious, seem to call for any form of violence, We reserve the right to remove it and warn the author (see above paragraph).

Please note that the English version of the Community Standards reflects the most up-to-date set of policies and should be used as the master document.

Interpretation and Definitions


The words in which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or plural.


For the purposes of this Community Standards:

Community Standards mean the Shall Unite Community Standards. These guidelines outline our standards regarding the content You post to Shall Unite and your activity on Shall Unite and other Shall Unite Products.

Company (referred to as either “the Company”, “We”, “Us,” or “Our” in this Agreement) refers to Shall Unite Pte Ltd, 150 Cecil Street, #03-02, Singapore 069543.

Ethics Committee comprises selected professionals experienced in the field of educational psychology, and parents. The members of the committee participate in the development of the

Shall Unite platform. The committee’s role includes, but is not limited to, serving as a filter to review the Company’s actions before they are released to the public. For the avoidance of doubt, the committee is consulted before We add Products and/or Services to the Marketplace.

Marketplace refers to where You can buy Services and Products from Shall Unite.

Member (referred to as either “Member” or “User” in this Agreement) means the individual accessing or using the Service, or the Company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable. See the

Products refer to Shall Unite Services, proprietary items, third-parties items and/or services sold on Our marketplace.

You definition below.

Services refer to the Shall Unite Websites, software applications, and associated services provided (For example, the Advertising Shield or the Storage).

Website refers to Shall Unite, accessible from and any other associated website using [prefix].shallunite.[extension].

You mean the individual accessing or using the Website, or a company, or any legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Website, as applicable. Because of the nature of the Service, parents are responsible for their children’s actions on the Service. Children registered by You are considered as an extension of You. Therefore, You collectively mean yourself and your children.

Our Community Rules

Identity check

Our Services strive to give the best protection possible to parents and their children.

For that reason, there is an Identity Check during the registration process. We use AI to screen documents and live enhancement selfies to ensure that You are a real person. Our AI analyzes the concordance between your ID document and your live enhancement selfie during the procedure. Please remember that it is for the safety of children. Once the procedure is completed, your ID document is immediately deleted from Our servers and Our verification partner’s servers.

You can register to Shall Unite without the ID check. However, the system will ask You to go through the ID check in some cases. For example:

  • When You want to enroll your children,
  • When You are a teacher.

You may also have limited access, or no access at all, to some of the Shall Unite’s platform functionalities. You can gain full access by going to your profile on the top menu bar, selecting Verify, and going through the verification process.

Children Protection

We do not allow content that exploits or endangers children. When We become aware of apparent child exploitation, We report it to the relevant authorities in compliance with applicable law.

We prohibit the following content (including photos, videos, real-world art, digital content, music, and text) on our Websites and/or Services:

  1. Material depicting nudity or genitalia. We will generally remove all such images irrespective of User intent or context because of the potential for abuse by others and to avoid other people reusing or misappropriating the images.
  2. Material depicting participation in or advocating for children’s sexual or non-sexual exploitation or facilitating inappropriate interactions with children
  3. Material promoting or depicting sexual violence or sexual activity of any kind
  4. Material which advocates a certain sexual orientation or lifestyle
  5. Material containing the frequent use of sexual references or innuendoes intended for sexual gratification
  6. Material depicting a person in a sexually provocative manner or any other offensive manner;
  7. Material depicting violence or gore
  8. Material depicting abuse or infliction of torture
  9. Material depicting self-harm or promoting or instructing how to engage in dangerous acts that could result in physical harm, such as challenges that involve dangerous elements (e.g. fire, suffocation)
  10. Material that is likely to mock, humiliate or cause embarrassment to a targeted person
  11. Material that promotes coordinated harassment or bullying of other young persons or children
  12. Material promoting regulated pharmaceutical drugs for unsubstantiated purposes that can cause serious harm or death to individuals
  13. Material promoting or facilitating a young or vulnerable person to traffic drugs, or arrange or plan gatherings where controlled drugs are to be consumed or trafficked
  14. Material promoting or facilitating unlawful gambling, illegal moneylending, trafficking in persons, cheating, fraud, and extortion
  15. Material that glorifies, incites, or endorses ethnic, racial, or religious hatred, strife, or intolerance

We also work with external experts, including our Ethics Committee, to discuss and improve Our policies and enforcement around online safety issues, especially concerning children. Shall Unite supports the work of Childnet International for the protection of children and providing interesting resources.

Members should also not post:

 Threats that could lead to physical harm and/or violence targeting people or places. Such threats could take various forms, direct or indirect.

 False statements of fact or misleading statements which a reasonable person would consider to be a representation of fact and unverifiable rumors.

 Contents such as imagery that could have been manipulated to change the original version to manipulate opinions or beliefs

The paragraphs above are examples of content that must not be posted on Our Service but are not limited. Another example is organizing groups, recruiting people destined for illegal or violent activity, or mentally controlling others.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the guideline leading Our Service policy. Please see the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Activities and Actions

Our Community standards are established to prevent representing illegal activities, organizations, and actions that could harm others. Such activities include pedophilia, terrorism, cruelty, violence, privacy violation, etc. That list serves as a reference and is not limited to it.


We believe people are more accountable for their statements and actions when using their authentic identities. Therefore, we require people to register on Shall Unite using our authentication process. That process is to ensure people are authentic persons. Our authenticity policies are intended to create a safe environment where people can trust and hold one another accountable.


We work hard to limit spam’s spread because We do not want to allow content designed to deceive or attempt to mislead Users to increase viewership.


Security is a cornerstone of the Shall Unite Platform. Therefore, we use various tools to protect our Members’ personal information. If, however, You are aware of any breach of your personal information, please contact us at .

Inauthentic Behavior

We don’t allow people to misrepresent themselves on Shall Unite, whatever purposes they have in mind. This policy is intended to create a space where people can trust the people and communities.

Fake News

Reducing the spread of fake news on Shall Unite is a responsibility We take seriously. However, We also recognize that this is a challenging and sensitive issue. We want to help people stay informed and share information without restricting their freedom of speech. For these reasons, We do not refrain people from sharing opinions and beliefs, as long as they do not breach Our community rules and standards. However, we reserve the right to remove news brought to our attention that happens to be fake after checking. If You are aware of fake news, please get in touch with us at .


Media, including images, audio, or video, can be edited. In most cases, changes are not harmful, like a filter effect on a photo. However, the manipulation could mislead opinion or judgment in other cases, especially in video content. We reserve the right to remove the manipulated media in such a case. If You are aware of manipulated media, please get in touch with us at .

Our Ethics Committee is continuously investing in partnership with relevant partners to help reduce the spread of misinformation and fake news.

Intellectual Property

Shall Unite takes intellectual property rights seriously and believes they are essential to promoting our community’s values. You own all of the content and information You post on Shall Unite, and You control how it is shared through your privacy and application settings. However, before sharing content on Shall Unite, please be sure You have the right to do so. We ask that You respect other people’s copyrights, trademarks, and other legal rights. We are committed to helping people and organizations promote and protect their intellectual property rights. Therefore, shall Unite’s Terms do not allow people to post content that violates someone else’s intellectual property rights, including copyright and trademark. Please refer to our Terms for further information.

Content-Related Requests

We comply with:

  • Member requests for removal of their account
  • Requests for removal of a deceased member’s account from a verified immediate family member or executor
  • Requests for removal of an incapacitated member’s account from an authorized representative

Additional Protection of Minors

We comply with:

  • Requests from parents to close their child’s account permanently,
  • Legal authorities requests for removal of an underage account,
  • Government requests for removal of child abuse imagery,
  • Legal guardian requests for removal of attacks on unintentionally famous minors.

Revision and commitment with Our Members

We continuously update Our policies to meet the needs of Our community, resulting in frequent revisions or publishing new ones. That may follow the information from third parties advising us that such a matter needs to be addressed. We strive to integrate feedback when it’s relevant. Every time we make changes, we try to notify our Members.

Following requests for changes, removals, or additions, the revision process includes internal discussions and, when needed, cooperation with external sources. We always do our best to take requests seriously and keep requesters informed of the results of examining their demands or suggestions.

We believe that our Members’ commitment to try making Shall Unite a better place is a precious added value.


If You have any remarks, comments, or suggestions about these Community Standards, You may contact us .