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You and technology-A symbiotic relationship

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More and more parents are open to technology as a parenting tool. Parents of smaller children or some older ones who may want to delay technology but want to keep tabs on them are getting smartwatches. In a New York Times article, it was reported that parents are getting smartwatches  for their children as young as five. Features such as allowing basic communication, location and fitness tracker, along with normal watch functions are major selling points. 

But this is just a precursor to advanced gadgets like the smartphones or tablets. As children get older and they want more independence and freedom, the smartwatches may not be enough to serve their busy daily lives. You want them to learn how to take care of themselves and make good decisions and for them to grow up and live their lives, all safe and sound.

And if you’re a working parent, how can you integrate overseeing your children’s daily activities while ensuring their safety?

How our platform features keep children safe

Shall Unite’s tracking feature lets you know where they are always, making sure they are studying for that math test in the library. Get on the platform to check if they have enough money for a healthy snack and not overspending on mocha lattes.

You are also able to see who they are chatting with. Their friends are verified and approved by you, so that is one less worry. And if they are in the school system, you’re able to monitor their school performance easily. Not to mention school notices, teacher’s or class messages all in one platform. Your life easier yet?

Parenting is a tough job already. You are working harder than ever before to juggle your career with raising your children. No wonder you are exhausted. Shall Unite is designed with busy parents like you in mind.

Everybody will be less stressed, have more time at the end of the day for a well-deserved rest-and yes, even get some work done.